Passport and identity card

The Swiss passport

Apply for a passport and/or identity card

Do you require a passport and/or an identity card?

The Swiss passport and the identitiy card

Prices, validity and delivery times

How long are the documents valid and how much do they cost?

The Swiss passport fallen on the lawn

What to do if you lose your passport or identity card

Have you lost your passport or identity card, or have either of them been stolen?

The Swiss passport fits nicely into the breast pocket

Passport and identity card for Swiss citizens living abroad

Are you living abroad and would you like to order a passport and/or identity card?

The provisional passport

Temporary passport

Do you need to travel at short notice, or do you require an emergency passport?

The Swiss passport and two fingerprints

Biometric passport and data security

How is your data protected?

For questions about ordering a pass-port/an identity card or what to do if you lose your passport/identity card contact the passport office in your canton of residence.

For general questions about the Swiss passport or identity card you can send us an e-mail or call us on 0800 820 008. The line is open from 9 to 11 a.m. and calls are free of charge.

Travelling on a Swiss passport

Travellers are advised to enquire at the appropriate embassy or consulate in Switzerland about the provisions for entering or transiting a country.

Foreign Representations in Switzerland

You can find helpful information on the FDFA website about the security situation in various countries and travelling abroad.

FDFA travel advice  

Place of origin

Your commune no longer exists – New place of origin

If you cannot find your commune when submitting your online application, go to the following link:

Documentation Passport / IDC


The new Swiss identity card

Last modification 22.09.2023

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