Stage 4 - Enforcement of sentence

Services responsible

  • Authorities responsible for enforcing sentences and measures

Instruments available

  • Custodial sentence in a penal institution, therapeutic measures on an individual case basis; possibility of solitary confinement (Art. 78 let. d SCC) or separate accommodation (Art. 90 para. 1 let. d SCC)
  • National Action Plan to Prevent and Combat Radicalisation and Violent Extremism (NAP):
    • Review of prison regimes and penal enforcement objectives (deradicalisation and resocialisation)
    • Strengthening of risk assessment and management instruments for enforcing sentences and measures
  • Position paper of the Cantonal Conference of Justice and Police Directors (CCJPD) on how to deal with radicalisation and violent extremism in Switzerland’s prison sector
    • Optimise the exchange of information between the security services and the prison and probation services prior to and during detention, on completion of sentence and when fixing the conditions of probation
    • Increase the opportunities for exchanging expertise/experience between security services and the prison and probation services


Last modification 05.06.2024

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